Pain Management For Labour

Evidence Based Birth Podcast

Why this podcast?
I have long been a huge fan of the Evidence Based Birth website. I know that it’s a go-to place for both doulas and their clients. It’s founder, Rebecca Dekker, is a nurse who also has a PhD. This combination means not only does she have the medical knowledge but she knows how to carry out good research too!

In 2012, Rebecca created Evidence Based Birth as a non-biased source of information because she believes in –

“putting the evidence back in the hands of the people who need it the most: birthing people and their families.”

Could Dates Help Your Labour?

The Pregnancy Podcast – Will Eating Dates Help Your Labor?

Why this podcast?
If you are a regular here then you’ll know how much I LOVE this podcast. Evidence-based, easy to follow episodes of thirty minutes or less giving you the low-down on pretty much everything and anything you might want to know about pregnancy and birth.

This really is a fantastic place from which to start your journey to informed decision making.

The host, Vanessa Merten, has just had her second baby, a little girl, so huge congratulations to you, Vanessa!

How To Love Your Birth – However It Looks

How To Love Your Birth – The Expectful Podcast

Why this podcast?
I had heard about Expectful pretty often whilst listening to podcasts. I knew that they offered guided meditation for fertility, pregnancy and motherhood but had not realised there was also a podcast!

Once I subscribed there was an episode that grabbed my attention immediately.

The host, Anna Gannon, is a new mum, yoga teacher, Expectful’s community guide and writer. She says that the guided meditations she used during a difficult time in her pregnancy helped her so much that she wanted to join the team.

Finding Balance

The Balance & Motherhood Podcast – A Practical and Insanely Effective Approach to Finding BALANCE for Mamas
(episode 004)

Why this podcast?
You may remember that back in September I published this post about the Doing It At Home podcast. Hosted by married couple Matthew and Sarah Bivens, the DIAH podcast takes you on their journey to home birth.

I am a little bit addicted to that podcast and LOVE how open and honest both Matthew and Sarah are about their journey into birth, parenting and their relationship in general. The DIAH podcast also features a whole bunch of home birth stories from families who have listened to Matthew and Sarah’s story and been inspired to share their own.

Categorised as General
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