Informed Consent

Pregnancy Podcast – Q&A: Informed Consent

Why this episode?
I was not intending to feature the amazing Pregnancy Podcast again quite so soon but when I found this episode I knew I had to.

I cannot emphasise enough how important, vital even, informed consent is to having a birth experience which you view as both positive and empowering.

With that being said, let’s get right into this fantastic episode.

The episode
In the Q&A episodes (which tend to be a bit shorter) Vanessa reads out a listener question and then answers it using scientific research and evidence-based resources.

10 Ways to Support a Breastfeeding Person

The Boob Group – 10 Ways to Support Breastfeeding Moms

Why this podcast?
I like this podcast as it comes across as light, fun and chatty while still managing to cover some really important topics.

The Boob Group falls under the umbrella of New Mommy Media and its sister podcasts include Preggie Pals and Newbies.

Along with a panel of women who always sound like they are having a blast, there is often an expert along for the ride.

Episodes tend to be around forty minutes and of course, you can always fast forward through the commercials and the chit chat at the beginning.

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