Why a Doula is a Must for Birthing Abroad

A while ago I was honoured to be asked to write a guest blog post for the amazing Knocked Up Abroad. Whilst this post is not podcast related, I thought it was about time that I featured it here.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Why a Doula is a Must for International Births

Having moved from the UK to The Netherlands age 22 with no job, nowhere to live, and a partner who’d never even visited the place, I figured that moving to Sweden thirteen years later would be easy.

Sure, I didn’t speak much of the language, but I could understand some, and yes, I’d miss my amazing friends A LOT, but I figured I’d meet other mums at the playground and make friends that way.

The Evidence on Doulas

Evidence Based Birth – Doula

Why this podcast?
The Evidence Based Birth website is a go-to website for me and many other doulas.

It’s somewhere I know I can get an overview of the scientific research and that it’s a great resource to direct clients to as well.

The fact that there is also a podcast is a huge bonus and just makes all this info even more accessible.

The episode
This episode is part of the EBB series on pain relief methods and is a great one to listen to if you are considering working with a doula (which of course, I encourage you to do).

Are You Using Your BRAIN?

The Pregnancy Podcast – Using Your BRAIN: 5 Questions You Should Be Asking

Why this podcast?
The Pregnancy Podcast features regularly on this blog and needs no long introduction.

This podcast provides evidence-based information in easy to listen to episodes of thirty minutes or less and covers everything you need to know about pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum.

The episode
The BRAIN tool is something I, as a doula, cover with all my clients. It’s easy to remember for both the birthing person and partner and can make a big difference in your pregnancy and birth journey.

Informed Consent

Pregnancy Podcast – Q&A: Informed Consent

Why this episode?
I was not intending to feature the amazing Pregnancy Podcast again quite so soon but when I found this episode I knew I had to.

I cannot emphasise enough how important, vital even, informed consent is to having a birth experience which you view as both positive and empowering.

With that being said, let’s get right into this fantastic episode.

The episode
In the Q&A episodes (which tend to be a bit shorter) Vanessa reads out a listener question and then answers it using scientific research and evidence-based resources.

Empowered Epidurals & TENS Machines

Dallas Birth Guide – Empowered Epidurals and TENS Units for Labor

Why this podcast?
Well, I’m 99.9% sure that this podcast has never been featured on this blog. It has, however, been lurking in my podcast library for quite some time so I decided to give it some air!

The Dallas Birth Guide is, as the name suggests, aimed at families in Dallas, Texas but as it is an online resource everyone can benefit from its content. The Dallas Birth Guide’s goal is to –

”Educate, empower, and support growing families through informed decisions and support in birthing their way!”

Virtual Doulas: What They Do and How They Can Help

The Embodied and Well Mom Show – Virtual Doulas: What They Do and How They Can Help

Why this podcast?
In short, because they have an episode on virtual doulas and as I have recently launched my own Virtual Doula services, I was curious to hear a discussion featuring this topic.

The Embodied and Well Mom Show used to be known as The Nurtured Mama Podcast and their website is www.intuitiveeatingmoms.com so the various names could be a little confusing.

The website looks great however and the podcast itself is all about –

What Role Should Men Play In Birth?

Evidence Based Birth – What role should men play in birth?

Why this podcast?
I refer people to the Evidence-Based Birth website all the time and am so happy that there is now a podcast too. All of the articles are, as the name suggests, evidence-based, meaning you have access to solid information on which to base your decisions.

It is so very important that whatever choices you make surrounding your pregnancy and birth are informed ones.

Information and knowledge ensure that you are the driver in your experience rather than a passenger.

Back Labour and How to Handle It

Preggie Pals – Managing Back Labor

Why this podcast?
I re-discovered this podcast while I was exploring the Parents On Demand network.

Each episode features a group of women who are mothers, pregnant or both as well as experts who provide sound information. There’s a fun, chatty atmosphere and it’s really easy to listen to.

With episodes covering trying to conceive, infertility, pregnancy and birth related topics you’ll be sure to find something that appeals to you.

12 Wishes For Your Birth

Birthful – 12 Days of Birth

Why this podcast?
The Birthful podcast is a wonderful one for birth workers and families alike. Hosted by doula, author and postpartum educator, Adriana Lozada, Birthful provides birth stories as well as interviews with birth and postpartum experts.

Adriana is so enthusiastic and down to earth that listening to an episode is always a treat. Plus, with almost 200 episodes, there is a gold mine of information to be sourced.

Why this episode?
I was so happy to spot an episode on having a positive birth experience that included so much wisdom from Adriana’s many years as a doula.

Doulas: What are they and what are they not?

Dr Berlin’s Informed Pregnancy Podcast – Labor Doulas

Why this podcast?
I’ve been wanting to feature this one ever since Dr Berlin was interviewed about breech birth on Preggie Pals. For that post, click here.
Dr Berlin is, among other things, an award-winning prenatal chiropractor and a doula who also happens to have his own podcast (with rocking’ theme music).

Plus, as a doula, how could I not love a podcast devoted to keeping people informed during their pregnancy?

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